Innovation Forum Print


These sessions are designed to provide participants with a time-efficient overview of the latest innovations in the industry. Young start-up enterprises and research institutes were encouraged to spotlight their new developments in a short presentation. The content will be determined entirely by the sponsor. The Innovation Forums are scheduled for a non-concurrent slot with complimentary light breakfast for attendees.


Sunday 5 September - 08:00 to 09:00 Room F, Level -1

MLP Finanzdienstleistungen AG - Pension scheme for internationally mobile researchers
Speaker: Harald Huhn

The speaker will explain how an occupational pension can achieve a high commitment and identification with the employing institution. From the employers point of view it is of particular importance to establish a known employer brand within a reasonable budget and without being exposed to risk. From an employee’s point of view, it is particularly important to continue these attractive benefi ts in their home country or other international locations on a private basis. Find out more about the pension plan here (PDF).


European Commission  - Social security and pensions of EU researchers
Speaker: Anna Kádár

In 2008, Member States agreed to implement a new partnership with the European Commission on researchers, the European Partnership for Researchers. It is designed to strengthen national ownership and to achieve rapid and measurable progress for common European framework for researches, as proposed by the Commission. One of its goals is to meet the social security and supplementary pensions needs of researchers. The Council Conclusions of 2 March 2010 on European researchers’ mobility and careers invited Member States and the Commission to: “Enhance the existing information services, in particular by making it possible for interested individual mobile researchers to easily obtain accurate information on their social security rights and obligations when moving.

Monday 6 Septembe
r - 08:30 to 08:45 Room F, Level -1

Hamilton Bonaduz AG will present The BioLevitator revolutionizes the Petri Dish

The BioLevitator with GEM technology – Grow diffi cult cells in a more physiological environment, streamline cell culture scale-up, reduce cell culture handling, and simplify downstream applications such as electroporation or cell-based assays. Join us to learn more about the GEM and the BioLevitator, named a “Top 10 Innovation for 2009” by the Scientist.