Detailed Programme Print E-mail


Special Lectures
Keynotes & Plenaries
Concurrent Workshops
Poster Sessions
Scientific Organizers


Special Lectures (location: Auditorium) Lord Martin Rees - Special Lecture 2009

Keynote Lectures (location: Auditorium) Michael Hall - Louis Jeantet Prize Lecture 2009

Plenary Lectures (location: Auditorium)

  • Evolution of animal forms - Sunday 5 September, 10:30 - 12:30
Plenary Lectures 2009
  • Systems biology & functional genomics - Monday 6 September, 10:30 to 12:30
Auditorium 2009
  • Signalling in development - Tuesday 7 September, 10:30 to 12:30
Amsterdam 2009

Click on the names for more information about the keynote & plenary lecture speakers and their presentations.

Female speakers partially funded by the Robert Bosch Stiftung.





There are twenty-one workshops taking place on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. See the topics below. More information about the chairs and additional speakers can be found here. Each of the workshops will be led by two chairs accompanied by additional speakers.


All the workshops are located in rooms A, B, F, H1, H2, H3 & J located on Level -1 (see final programme onsite).

Sunday 5 September - 14:00 - 16:30
Dynamics of chromosome organization
Cellular tomography
Stem cells & regeneration Gene network
Modelling biological patterns Metabolomics
Dynamics of molecule ensembles in cells

Monday 6 September - 14:00 - 16:30

Cancer genomics & stem cells Imprinting
DNA repair, cancer & aging Transdifferentiation
Cell contact & adhesion New insights in prokaryotes
Metagenomics & cellular variation

Tuesday 7 September - 14:00 - 16:30

Synthetic biology Infection & autophagy
Long-range gene regulation Molecular systems neurobiology
Developmental neurobiology Cellular signalling & cell division

Next-generation sequencing: technologies & biological insights



Poster Sessions:


Poster sessions will run from 16:30 - 18:00 on Sunday and Monday and from 12:30 - 14:00 on Tuesday in the Exhibition Hall. Presenters are requested to stand with their posters according to the timetable below:


Poster session A - Sunday
Poster session B - Monday
Poster session C - Tuesday
16:30 –17:15 Even-numbered posters 16:30 –17:15 Even-numbered posters 12:30 –13:15 Even-numbered posters
17:15 –18:00 Odd-numbered posters 17:15 –18:00 Odd-numbered posters 13:15 –14:00 Odd-numbered posters
  • Cellular Metabolism
  • Chromatin & Transcription
  • Genome Stability & Dynamics
  • Immunology
  • Microbiology, Virology & Pathogens
  • Molecular Medicine
  • Plant biology
  • RNA
  • Cell & Tissue Architecture
  • Cell Cycle
  • Genomic & Computational Biology
  • Membranes & Transport
  • Plant biology
  • Systems Biology
  • Proteins & Biochemistry
  • Structural Biology & Biophysics
  • Development
  • Differentiation & Death
  • Neuroscience
  • Plant biology
  • Signal Transduction


Maximum recommended poster dimensions:

882 x 1,274mm (36" x 49.08") Portrait - DIN A0 Oversize Format.

poster sessions 2009 poster sessions 2009 poster sessions 2009 poster sessions 2009
poster sessions 2009 poster sessions 2009


Scientific Organizers:

  • Luis Serrano ES
  • Denis Duboule CH
