Workshops Print E-mail


Sunday 5 September
Monday 6 September Tuesday 7 September

Each of the workshops will be led by two chairs and accompanied by additional speakers (listed below - click on the names to see more information and affiliations).


All the workshops are located in rooms A, B, F, H1, H2, H3 & J located on Level -1 (see final programme onsite).


Female speakers partially funded by the Robert Bosch Stiftung.


Status: 02 September 2010 - speakers with ** are selected from submitted abstracts


Sunday 5 September - 14:00 - 16:30


Dynamics of chromosome organization
Cellular tomography Stem cells & regeneration
Gene network

Susan Gasser CH
Wendy Bickmore UK

Ohad Medalia IL
Achilleas Frangakis DE

J C Izpisúa Belmonte US
Brigitte Galliot CH

Anne-Claude Gavin DE
Bart Deplancke CH

Johan Elf SE
Bas van Steensel NL
Irina Solovei DE
Julio Ortiz DE
Abraham Koster NL
Helen Saibil UK
Margaret Buckingham FR
Elly Tanaka DE
Cheng Ming Choung US
Ben Lehner ES
Eileen Furlong DE
Yitzhak Pilpel IL

Modelling biological patterns Metabolomics Dynamics of molecule
ensembles in cells

Edda Klipp DE
Olivier Pourquie FR

Johan Auwerx CH
Juleen Zierath SE

Philippe Bastiaens DE
Carsten Schultz DE

Frederick Klauschen US
Paul Francois CA
Gerrit Erdmann DE **
Teresa Ferraro CH
Grahame Hardie UK
Christoph Handschin CH
Anna Krook SE
Kai Johnsson CH
James Ferrell US
Boris Kholodenko IE


Monday 6 September - 14:00 - 16:30


Cancer genomics
& stem cells
Imprinting DNA repair, cancer
& aging

María Blasco ES
Mariano Barbacid ES

Edith Heard FR
Azim Surani UK

Jean-Marc Egly FR
Judith Campisi US

Thomas Graf ES
Nadia Rosenthal IT

Eduard Batlle ES
Christopher Heeschen ES
Inder M. Verma US
Rob Martienssen US
William Kelly US
Michael Wilson UK **
Agnieszka Jedrusik UK **
K. Lenhard
Rudolph DE
Laura Niedernhofer US
Vladmir Vinarsky CZ **
Luca Palazzo IT **
Ahmed Mansouri DE
Pia Cosma IT
Pedro Luis Herrera Merino CH

Cell contact & adhesion
New insights in prokaryotes Metagenomics & cellular variation

Kathleen J. Green US
Marek Mlodzik US

Antoine Danchin FR
Nicholas Luscombe UK

Peer Bork DE
Manolis Dermitzakis CH

Douglas DeSimone US
Suzanne Eaton DE
James W. Nelson US
Sigal Ben-Yehuda IL
Andres Moya ES
Alejandro Arce-Rodríguez ES **
Frédéric Boccard FR **
Nancy Moran US
Howard Ochman US
Stephen Watt UK **
Masa Roller HR **


Tuesday 7 September - 14:00 - 16:30


Synthetic biology
Long-range gene regulation Infection & autophagy Developmental neurobiology

Adam Arkin US
Wendell Lim US

Wouter de Laat NL
Veronica van Heynigen UK

Ari Helenius CH
Sharon Tooze UK

James Briscoe UK
Alexandra Joyner US

Jörg Stelling CH
Emma Frow UK
Jason Chin UK
William Shih US
Job Dekker US
Toshihiko Shiroishi JP
Boris Lenhard NO
Vojo Deretic US
Christian Münz CH
Sebastian Schuck US **
Päivi Yiä-Anttila FI **
Pierre Vanderhaeghen BE
David McLean US
Boris Egger UK **
Charlotte Labalette FR **

Molecular systems neurobiology
Cellular signalling & cell division Next-generation sequencing: technologies & biological insights

Alexander Schier US
Mario de Bono UK

Pier Paolo di Fiore IT
Isabelle Vernos ES

Thomas Lemberger DE

Catherine Dulac US
Amita Sehgal US
Matthieu Louis ES
Cayetano González ES
René Medema NL
Sandrine Etienne-Manneville FR **
Victor Neduva UK **
Stephen Turner US
Dennis Ballinger US
Sarah Ng US
Duncan Odom UK
Mark Güell ES **
